
Europe’s rare metal strategy

Europe should focus on mining and recycling of critical metals, instead of stockpiling, as US does, according to a FT report.

The suggestions includes set up a EU policy to protect the bloc’s investment in raw materials abroad. The report also cited Antonio Tajani, EU industry commissioner, as saying that he was eager to deepen co-operation with Africa to improve Europe’s access to raw materials.

I find this line interesting: “The report's recommendations include policies to improve access to primary resources by promoting exploration and ensuring that this is viewed as research activity.”

The report was prepared by an expert group “chaired by the European Commission and set up as part of Brussels’ effort to secure sustainable supplies for the bloc,” the newspaper said.

Here is the FT report: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/6522b2b6-78dd-11df-a312-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1BNUk9xhD

I haven’t found the exact report. But here is a EU report on metals:

